Sunday, February 13, 2011

Metal Building System: Diagram and Component Definitions

At, we are constantly receiving e-mails where the customer inquires about the role of specific metal building components. Thus, to aid our customers, this weeks blog will include a diagram of a typical metal building system and defininitions for each component that makes up a metal building system.




Rigid Frame Column - A vertical member supporting the Rigid Frame Rafter and is used to transfer loads from Rigid Frame Rafter to foundation.

Rigid Frame Rafter - A horizontal member primarily supporting the roof system.

Rigid Frame - A structural frame consisting of Rigid Frame Column and Rigid Frame Rafter joined together with rigid (or moment) connections so as to to render the frame stable with respect to imposed loads, without the need for bacing in its plane.

Endwall Rafter - A frame at the endwall of a building to support the roof load from one-half the end bay.

Corner Column (Post) - A vertical member located at the corner of a building used to transfer loads from Rigid Frame Rafter to foundation.

Endwall Column (Post) - A vertical member located at the endwall of a building which supports the girts.

Eave Strut - A structural member at the eave to support roof panels and wall panels. It may also be used to transmit wind from roof bracing to wall bracing.

Eave Height - The vertical distance from finished floor elevation (FFE) to top of eave strut.

Purlin - A secondary horizontal structural member attached to the Rigid Frame, which transfers the roof loads from the roof covering to the Rigid Frame.

Sidewall Girt - A secondary horizontal structural member located on the sidewall and attached to Rigid Frame Columns, which transfers the wall loads from the wall covering to the Rigid Frame Columns. Member is supported horizontally.

Endwall Girt - A secondary horizontal structural member located on the endwall and attached to Endwall Columns, which transfers the wall loads from the wall covering to the Endwall Columns. Member is supported horizontally.

Endwall - Exterior wall perpendicular to the ridge.

Sidewall - Exterior wall paralles to the ridge.

Overhead Door Framed Opening (F.O.) - Framework creating the structural opening for a Overhead Door.

Door Jamb - Vertical framing member creating the structural opening for a walkdoor or overhead door.

Window Framed Opening (F.O.) - Framework creating the structural opening for a window.

Cable Bracing - Cables used in roof and walls to transfer loads, such as wind loads, and seismic and crane thrusts, to the foundation.

Walk Door Framed Opening (F.O.) - Framework creating the structural opening for a Walkdoor.

Bay - The space between centerlines of Rigid Frame Columns in the longitudinal direction of a building.

Bay Spacing - The measurement between centerlines of Rigid Frame Columns.

If you have any questions regarding the information contained herein or would like further information, please contact us at


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